Updates a sink. This method replaces the values of the destination and filter fields of the existing sink with the corresponding values from the new sink.The updated sink might also have a new writer_identity; see the unique_writer_identity field.


You will need authorization for at least one of the following scopes to make a valid call:

  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.admin

If unset, the scope for this method defaults to https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform. You can set the scope for this method like this: logging2 --scope <scope> organizations sinks-update ...

Required Scalar Argument

  • <sink-name> (string)
    • Required. The full resource name of the sink to update, including the parent resource and the sink identifier: "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/sinks/[SINK_ID]" "organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]/sinks/[SINK_ID]" "billingAccounts/[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]/sinks/[SINK_ID]" "folders/[FOLDER_ID]/sinks/[SINK_ID]" For example:"projects/my-project/sinks/my-sink"

Required Request Value

The request value is a data-structure with various fields. Each field may be a simple scalar or another data-structure. In the latter case it is advised to set the field-cursor to the data-structure's field to specify values more concisely.

For example, a structure like this:

    use-partitioned-tables: boolean
    uses-timestamp-column-partitioning: boolean
  create-time: string
  description: string
  destination: string
  disabled: boolean
  filter: string
  include-children: boolean
  name: string
  output-version-format: string
  update-time: string
  writer-identity: string

can be set completely with the following arguments which are assumed to be executed in the given order. Note how the cursor position is adjusted to the respective structures, allowing simple field names to be used most of the time.

  • -r .bigquery-options use-partitioned-tables=true
    • Optional. Whether to use BigQuery's partition tables (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned-tables). By default, Cloud Logging creates dated tables based on the log entries' timestamps, e.g. syslog_20170523. With partitioned tables the date suffix is no longer present and special query syntax (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/querying-partitioned-tables) has to be used instead. In both cases, tables are sharded based on UTC timezone.
  • uses-timestamp-column-partitioning=false

    • Output only. True if new timestamp column based partitioning is in use, false if legacy ingress-time partitioning is in use.All new sinks will have this field set true and will use timestamp column based partitioning. If use_partitioned_tables is false, this value has no meaning and will be false. Legacy sinks using partitioned tables will have this field set to false.
  • .. create-time=gubergren

    • Output only. The creation timestamp of the sink.This field may not be present for older sinks.
  • description=dolore
    • Optional. A description of this sink.The maximum length of the description is 8000 characters.
  • destination=ea
    • Required. The export destination: "storage.googleapis.com/[GCS_BUCKET]" "bigquery.googleapis.com/projects/[PROJECT_ID]/datasets/[DATASET]" "pubsub.googleapis.com/projects/[PROJECT_ID]/topics/[TOPIC_ID]" "logging.googleapis.com/projects/[PROJECT_ID]" "logging.googleapis.com/projects/[PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]" The sink's writer_identity, set when the sink is created, must have permission to write to the destination or else the log entries are not exported. For more information, see Exporting Logs with Sinks (https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/api/tasks/exporting-logs).
  • disabled=false
    • Optional. If set to true, then this sink is disabled and it does not export any log entries.
  • filter=takimata
    • Optional. An advanced logs filter (https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/view/advanced-queries). The only exported log entries are those that are in the resource owning the sink and that match the filter.For example:logName="projects/[PROJECT_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]" AND severity>=ERROR
  • include-children=false
    • Optional. This field applies only to sinks owned by organizations and folders. If the field is false, the default, only the logs owned by the sink's parent resource are available for export. If the field is true, then log entries from all the projects, folders, and billing accounts contained in the sink's parent resource are also available for export. Whether a particular log entry from the children is exported depends on the sink's filter expression.For example, if this field is true, then the filter resource.type=gce_instance would export all Compute Engine VM instance log entries from all projects in the sink's parent.To only export entries from certain child projects, filter on the project part of the log name:logName:("projects/test-project1/" OR "projects/test-project2/") AND resource.type=gce_instance
  • name=tempor
    • Output only. The client-assigned sink identifier, unique within the project.For example: "my-syslog-errors-to-pubsub".Sink identifiers are limited to 100 characters and can include only the following characters: upper and lower-case alphanumeric characters, underscores, hyphens, periods.First character has to be alphanumeric.
  • output-version-format=clita
    • Deprecated. This field is unused.
  • update-time=sed
    • Output only. The last update timestamp of the sink.This field may not be present for older sinks.
  • writer-identity=no
    • Output only. An IAM identity—a service account or group—under which Cloud Logging writes the exported log entries to the sink's destination. This field is either set by specifying custom_writer_identity or set automatically by sinks.create and sinks.update based on the value of unique_writer_identity in those methods.Until you grant this identity write-access to the destination, log entry exports from this sink will fail. For more information, see Granting Access for a Resource (https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/granting-roles-to-service-accounts#granting_access_to_a_service_account_for_a_resource). Consult the destination service's documentation to determine the appropriate IAM roles to assign to the identity.Sinks that have a destination that is a log bucket in the same project as the sink cannot have a writer_identity and no additional permissions are required.

About Cursors

The cursor position is key to comfortably set complex nested structures. The following rules apply:

  • The cursor position is always set relative to the current one, unless the field name starts with the . character. Fields can be nested such as in -r f.s.o .
  • The cursor position is set relative to the top-level structure if it starts with ., e.g. -r .s.s
  • You can also set nested fields without setting the cursor explicitly. For example, to set a value relative to the current cursor position, you would specify -r struct.sub_struct=bar.
  • You can move the cursor one level up by using ... Each additional . moves it up one additional level. E.g. ... would go three levels up.

Optional Output Flags

The method's return value a JSON encoded structure, which will be written to standard output by default.

  • -o out
    • out specifies the destination to which to write the server's result to. It will be a JSON-encoded structure. The destination may be - to indicate standard output, or a filepath that is to contain the received bytes. If unset, it defaults to standard output.

Optional Method Properties

You may set the following properties to further configure the call. Please note that -p is followed by one or more key-value-pairs, and is called like this -p k1=v1 k2=v2 even though the listing below repeats the -p for completeness.

  • -p custom-writer-identity=string

    • Optional. A service account provided by the caller that will be used to write the log entries. The format must be serviceAccount:some@email. This field can only be specified if you are routing logs to a destination outside this sink's project. If not specified, a Logging service account will automatically be generated.
  • -p unique-writer-identity=boolean

    • Optional. See sinks.create for a description of this field. When updating a sink, the effect of this field on the value of writer_identity in the updated sink depends on both the old and new values of this field: If the old and new values of this field are both false or both true, then there is no change to the sink's writer_identity. If the old value is false and the new value is true, then writer_identity is changed to a service agent (https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-account-types#service-agents) owned by Cloud Logging. It is an error if the old value is true and the new value is set to false or defaulted to false.
  • -p update-mask=string

    • Optional. Field mask that specifies the fields in sink that need an update. A sink field will be overwritten if, and only if, it is in the update mask. name and output only fields cannot be updated.An empty updateMask is temporarily treated as using the following mask for backwards compatibility purposes:destination,filter,includeChildrenAt some point in the future, behavior will be removed and specifying an empty updateMask will be an error.For a detailed FieldMask definition, see https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/google.protobuf#google.protobuf.FieldMaskFor example: updateMask=filter

Optional General Properties

The following properties can configure any call, and are not specific to this method.

  • -p $-xgafv=string

    • V1 error format.
  • -p access-token=string

    • OAuth access token.
  • -p alt=string

    • Data format for response.
  • -p callback=string

    • JSONP
  • -p fields=string

    • Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
  • -p key=string

    • API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
  • -p oauth-token=string

    • OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
  • -p pretty-print=boolean

    • Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
  • -p quota-user=string

    • Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
  • -p upload-type=string

    • Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
  • -p upload-protocol=string

    • Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").