Get a membership graph of just a member or both a member and a group. Note: This feature is only available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, and Enterprise for Education; and Cloud Identity Premium accounts. If the account of the member is not one of these, a 403 (PERMISSION_DENIED) HTTP status code will be returned. Given a member, the response will contain all membership paths from the member. Given both a group and a member, the response will contain all membership paths between the group and the member.


You will need authorization for at least one of the following scopes to make a valid call:


If unset, the scope for this method defaults to You can set the scope for this method like this: cloudidentity1 --scope <scope> groups memberships-get-membership-graph ...

Required Scalar Argument

  • <parent> (string)
    • Required. Resource name of the group to search transitive memberships in. Format: groups/{group}, where group is the unique ID assigned to the Group to which the Membership belongs to. group can be a wildcard collection id "-". When a group is specified, the membership graph will be constrained to paths between the member (defined in the query) and the parent. If a wildcard collection is provided, all membership paths connected to the member will be returned.

Optional Output Flags

The method's return value a JSON encoded structure, which will be written to standard output by default.

  • -o out
    • out specifies the destination to which to write the server's result to. It will be a JSON-encoded structure. The destination may be - to indicate standard output, or a filepath that is to contain the received bytes. If unset, it defaults to standard output.

Optional Method Properties

You may set the following properties to further configure the call. Please note that -p is followed by one or more key-value-pairs, and is called like this -p k1=v1 k2=v2 even though the listing below repeats the -p for completeness.

  • -p query=string
    • Required. A CEL expression that MUST include member specification AND label(s). Certain groups are uniquely identified by both a 'member_key_id' and a 'member_key_namespace', which requires an additional query input: 'member_key_namespace'. Example query: member_key_id == &#39;member_key_id_value&#39; &amp;&amp; in labels

Optional General Properties

The following properties can configure any call, and are not specific to this method.

  • -p $-xgafv=string

    • V1 error format.
  • -p access-token=string

    • OAuth access token.
  • -p alt=string

    • Data format for response.
  • -p callback=string

    • JSONP
  • -p fields=string

    • Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
  • -p key=string

    • API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
  • -p oauth-token=string

    • OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
  • -p pretty-print=boolean

    • Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
  • -p quota-user=string

    • Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
  • -p upload-type=string

    • Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
  • -p upload-protocol=string

    • Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").