Enum glutin::Event
pub enum Event { Resized(u32, u32), Moved(i32, i32), Closed, DroppedFile(PathBuf), ReceivedCharacter(char), Focused(bool), KeyboardInput(ElementState, ScanCode, Option<VirtualKeyCode>), MouseMoved(i32, i32), MouseWheel(MouseScrollDelta, TouchPhase), MouseInput(ElementState, MouseButton), TouchpadPressure(f32, i64), Awakened, Refresh, Suspended(bool), Touch(Touch), }
Resized | The size of the window has changed. | |
Moved | The position of the window has changed. | |
Closed | The window has been closed. | |
DroppedFile | A file has been dropped into the window. | |
ReceivedCharacter | The window received a unicode character. | |
Focused | The window gained or lost focus. The parameter is true if the window has gained focus, and false if it has lost focus. | |
KeyboardInput | An event from the keyboard has been received. | |
MouseMoved | The cursor has moved on the window. The parameter are the (x,y) coords in pixels relative to the top-left corner of the window. | |
MouseWheel | A mouse wheel movement or touchpad scroll occurred. | |
MouseInput | An event from the mouse has been received. | |
TouchpadPressure | Touchpad pressure event. At the moment, only supported on Apple forcetouch-capable macbooks. The parameters are: pressure level (value between 0 and 1 representing how hard the touchpad is being pressed) and stage (integer representing the click level). | |
Awakened | The event loop was woken up by another thread. | |
Refresh | The window needs to be redrawn. | |
Suspended | App has been suspended or resumed. The parameter is true if app was suspended, and false if it has been resumed. | |
Touch | Touch event has been received |