Struct gfx_core::handle::Manager
pub struct Manager<R: Resources> { // some fields omitted }
Stores reference-counted resources used in a command buffer. Seals actual resource names behind the interface, automatically referencing them both by the Factory on resource creation and the Renderer during CommandBuffer population.
impl<R: Resources> Manager<R>
fn new() -> Manager<R>
Create a new handle manager
fn clear(&mut self)
Clear all references
fn extend(&mut self, other: &Manager<R>)
Extend with all references of another handle manager
fn count(&self) -> usize
Count the total number of referenced resources
fn ref_buffer<'a>(&mut self, handle: &'a RawBuffer<R>) -> &'a R::Buffer
Reference a buffer
fn ref_shader<'a>(&mut self, handle: &'a Shader<R>) -> &'a R::Shader
Reference a shader
fn ref_program<'a>(&mut self, handle: &'a Program<R>) -> &'a R::Program
Reference a program
fn ref_pso<'a>(&mut self, handle: &'a RawPipelineState<R>) -> (&'a R::PipelineStateObject, &'a R::Program)
Reference a pipeline state object
fn ref_texture<'a>(&mut self, handle: &'a RawTexture<R>) -> &'a R::Texture
Reference a texture
fn ref_srv<'a>(&mut self, handle: &'a RawShaderResourceView<R>) -> &'a R::ShaderResourceView
Reference a shader resource view
fn ref_uav<'a>(&mut self, handle: &'a RawUnorderedAccessView<R>) -> &'a R::UnorderedAccessView
Reference an unordered access view
fn ref_rtv<'a>(&mut self, handle: &'a RawRenderTargetView<R>) -> &'a R::RenderTargetView
Reference an RTV
fn ref_dsv<'a>(&mut self, handle: &'a RawDepthStencilView<R>) -> &'a R::DepthStencilView
Reference a DSV
fn ref_sampler<'a>(&mut self, handle: &'a Sampler<R>) -> &'a R::Sampler
Reference a sampler
fn ref_fence<'a>(&mut self, fence: &'a Fence<R>) -> &'a R::Fence
Reference a fence