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//! Epoch-based memory management //! //! This module provides fast, easy to use memory management for lock free data //! structures. It's inspired by [Keir Fraser's *epoch-based //! reclamation*](https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/techreports/UCAM-CL-TR-579.pdf). //! //! The basic problem this is solving is the fact that when one thread has //! removed a node from a data structure, other threads may still have pointers //! to that node (in the form of snapshots that will be validated through things //! like compare-and-swap), so the memory cannot be immediately freed. Put differently: //! //! 1. There are two sources of reachability at play -- the data structure, and //! the snapshots in threads accessing it. Before we delete a node, we need to know //! that it cannot be reached in either of these ways. //! //! 2. Once a node has been unliked from the data structure, no *new* snapshots //! reaching it will be created. //! //! Using the epoch scheme is fairly straightforward, and does not require //! understanding any of the implementation details: //! //! - When operating on a shared data structure, a thread must "pin the current //! epoch", which is done by calling `pin()`. This function returns a `Guard` //! which unpins the epoch when destroyed. //! //! - When the thread subsequently reads from a lock-free data structure, the //! pointers it extracts act like references with lifetime tied to the //! `Guard`. This allows threads to safely read from snapshotted data, being //! guaranteed that the data will remain allocated until they exit the epoch. //! //! To put the `Guard` to use, Crossbeam provides a set of three pointer types meant to work together: //! //! - `Owned<T>`, akin to `Box<T>`, which points to uniquely-owned data that has //! not yet been published in a concurrent data structure. //! //! - `Shared<'a, T>`, akin to `&'a T`, which points to shared data that may or may //! not be reachable from a data structure, but it guaranteed not to be freed //! during lifetime `'a`. //! //! - `Atomic<T>`, akin to `std::sync::atomic::AtomicPtr`, which provides atomic //! updates to a pointer using the `Owned` and `Shared` types, and connects them //! to a `Guard`. //! //! Each of these types provides further documentation on usage. //! //! # Example //! //! ``` //! use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{Acquire, Release, Relaxed}; //! use std::ptr; //! //! use crossbeam::mem::epoch::{self, Atomic, Owned}; //! //! struct TreiberStack<T> { //! head: Atomic<Node<T>>, //! } //! //! struct Node<T> { //! data: T, //! next: Atomic<Node<T>>, //! } //! //! impl<T> TreiberStack<T> { //! fn new() -> TreiberStack<T> { //! TreiberStack { //! head: Atomic::null() //! } //! } //! //! fn push(&self, t: T) { //! // allocate the node via Owned //! let mut n = Owned::new(Node { //! data: t, //! next: Atomic::null(), //! }); //! //! // become active //! let guard = epoch::pin(); //! //! loop { //! // snapshot current head //! let head = self.head.load(Relaxed, &guard); //! //! // update `next` pointer with snapshot //! n.next.store_shared(head, Relaxed); //! //! // if snapshot is still good, link in the new node //! match self.head.cas_and_ref(head, n, Release, &guard) { //! Ok(_) => return, //! Err(owned) => n = owned, //! } //! } //! } //! //! fn pop(&self) -> Option<T> { //! // become active //! let guard = epoch::pin(); //! //! loop { //! // take a snapshot //! match self.head.load(Acquire, &guard) { //! // the stack is non-empty //! Some(head) => { //! // read through the snapshot, *safely*! //! let next = head.next.load(Relaxed, &guard); //! //! // if snapshot is still good, update from `head` to `next` //! if self.head.cas_shared(Some(head), next, Release) { //! unsafe { //! // mark the node as unlinked //! guard.unlinked(head); //! //! // extract out the data from the now-unlinked node //! return Some(ptr::read(&(*head).data)) //! } //! } //! } //! //! // we observed the stack empty //! None => return None //! } //! } //! } //! } //! ``` // FIXME: document implementation details mod atomic; mod garbage; mod global; mod guard; mod local; mod participant; mod participants; pub use self::atomic::Atomic; pub use self::guard::{pin, Guard}; use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut}; use std::ptr; use std::mem; /// Like `Box<T>`: an owned, heap-allocated data value of type `T`. pub struct Owned<T> { data: Box<T>, } impl<T> Owned<T> { /// Move `t` to a new heap allocation. pub fn new(t: T) -> Owned<T> { Owned { data: Box::new(t) } } fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut T { self.deref() as *const _ as *mut _ } /// Move data out of the owned box, deallocating the box. pub fn into_inner(self) -> T { *self.data } } impl<T> Deref for Owned<T> { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &T { &self.data } } impl<T> DerefMut for Owned<T> { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { &mut self.data } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] /// Like `&'a T`: a shared reference valid for lifetime `'a`. pub struct Shared<'a, T: 'a> { data: &'a T, } impl<'a, T> Copy for Shared<'a, T> {} impl<'a, T> Clone for Shared<'a, T> { fn clone(&self) -> Shared<'a, T> { Shared { data: self.data } } } impl<'a, T> Deref for Shared<'a, T> { type Target = &'a T; fn deref(&self) -> &&'a T { &self.data } } impl<'a, T> Shared<'a, T> { unsafe fn from_raw(raw: *mut T) -> Option<Shared<'a, T>> { if raw == ptr::null_mut() { None } else { Some(Shared { data: mem::transmute::<*mut T, &T>(raw) }) } } unsafe fn from_ref(r: &T) -> Shared<'a, T> { Shared { data: mem::transmute(r) } } unsafe fn from_owned(owned: Owned<T>) -> Shared<'a, T> { let ret = Shared::from_ref(owned.deref()); mem::forget(owned); ret } pub fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut T { self.data as *const _ as *mut _ } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use super::*; use mem::epoch; #[test] fn test_no_drop() { static mut DROPS: i32 = 0; struct Test; impl Drop for Test { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { DROPS += 1; } } } let g = pin(); let x = Atomic::null(); x.store(Some(Owned::new(Test)), Ordering::Relaxed); x.store_and_ref(Owned::new(Test), Ordering::Relaxed, &g); let y = x.load(Ordering::Relaxed, &g); let z = x.cas_and_ref(y, Owned::new(Test), Ordering::Relaxed, &g).ok(); let _ = x.cas(z, Some(Owned::new(Test)), Ordering::Relaxed); x.swap(Some(Owned::new(Test)), Ordering::Relaxed, &g); unsafe { assert_eq!(DROPS, 0); } } #[test] fn test_new() { let guard = epoch::pin(); let my_atomic = Atomic::new(42); assert_eq!(**my_atomic.load(Ordering::Relaxed, &guard).unwrap(), 42); } }