The ITool

This tool is a wordplay on 'IT' and 'tool', keeping a variety of functionality relevant to various subsystems. These are organized into subcommands, each of which deals with it's own realm, and may have its very own flags.




This subcommand has subcommands on its own. One is dedicated to querying the contents of the dropbox daemon database, showing managed packages and transactions. The other one is about altering the faith of pending transactions, which are rejected or approved.


A simple utility to help automating repetitive tractor tasks from the commandline. It allows to get a login to tractor and reload configuration, or set the blade nimby state:

# TODO: Example


A tool to walk directory structures and place all information into a new or existing sql database. That way, the entire contents of a filesystem can be made available for quick analysis. Due to its ability to efficiently update existing databases, it is run nightly on all fileservers to maintain recent data. This data is in turn used by the itools version report to help freeing storage capacity.

A typical and easy-to-use invocation is the following, which takes care of all the details itself, and which can be invoked on a nightly basis:

itool fs-stat -ud mysql://hostname/server_hosting_filesystem -fd /path/to/filesystem/directory -t filesystem --fast