under construction



Declarative operations

Using a standard KV store, a configuration tree is build providing all values the framework needs to perform specific operations. Those include setting environment variables in various ways, possibly filling in templates and copying the result to specific places. This can be used to prepare configuration files for example.

Ingesting and/or removing args should be possible as well.

It should be possible (or not be impossible) to start the same program with different configurations, just based on the name of the executable (i.e. maya and maya-dbg)

Imperative operations

It should be possible to override the implementation based on the program you want to start, using pipeline plugins. framework can be used by anyone

It must be possible to easily use the framework to launch other programs. This functionality would be required to implement a launcher properly. Therefore there is no need to use the bootstrapper to get it started. Instead one can just use the same entry point the bootstrapper eventually uses.

(optional) Post-launch inspection of the launched program

It should be possible (or not be impossible) for the launched program to learn how exactly it was started, which plugins it uses, which args were used to launch it. That information can be used to spawn other programs with similar configurations.


Use our logger and assure we can set its verbosity using environment variables or context-configuration. Unit-tests for all of that are a must.

Execv and Spawn

Provide a mode that replaces its own process with the new one, or which keeps the sub-process as a child. This allows for post-process calls, e.g. for doing cleanup, logging, notifications, and other extras like output filtering and exit code mutations (probably done by derived implementations)

Multi-platform support

Especially windows. Same holds for the tests.


Key-features are documented in doxygen. Setup a page that links key frameworks and provides an overview. Documentation should be kept brief for now, but it must be there.